Tuesday, October 5, 2010

A Little Perspective

I heard a story today that broke my heart, but made me grateful for what I have in my life.

I heard the story of a woman who had been TTC for 10 years and had multiple miscarriages, including a very late one. She tried to commit suicide because her husband was going to leave her if she was not pregnant again.

I cannot even imagine going through this process without the support of the hubby. That is not to say that he always gets what I am going through because he doesn't. And he's not always the most sypathetic to my every emotion because he isn't. He doesn't always say or do the right things.

But, he loves me. And he supports me. And hugs me and tells me that we will have our baby one day.

I can't say I won't ever get frustrated at the hubby again for not "getting it." But, I will never take him for granted. Ever. Because I could not imagine going through this without his support and love.

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