Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Catching Up: Part 2, Charting

Time to finish catching up because I'm sure more will follow soon.

When last we left, I had spent the first 6 months "winging it" with some help from ovulation kits.

The next 6 months were great and awful all at the same time.

Charting gave me such relief. It was so great to know what was going on with my body instead of just playing a guessing game. I could see not only that I was ovulating, but when. I knew when my period was coming instead of taking test after to test and seeing negatives or wondering constantly if there was still a chance. It was great.

And it was horrible. All the knowledge in the world doesn't make up for month after month of failed trying.

And as I got closer to the year mark, it got worse. Cycle 11, month 11, was the worst. It was ominous. It was too close to the place I didn't want to be. As Cycle 11 ended, I went ahead and talked to my doctor about testing, but then decided to wait out Cycle 12.

I really held out hope. How many times had seen Cycle 12 pregnancies on the TTC message board I post on?

Cycle 12 really played with my head. We had good timing. Then I managed to go the distance between ovulation and my period starting (luteal phase). I go anywhere from 11 days to 14. I went the full 14. And I the earliest day I should have tested was on my mom's birthday. Of course, I did go ahead and test at 12DPO and 13DPO because my temperature was not really dropping (indication that it's "over"). Stupid, stupid, stupid.

And Cycle 12 was over. The next day, I called the doctor to get the ball rolling and was schedule for an HSG test on Cycle Day 8. I'm not going to go into details about this test. Let's just say it was not the most pleasant thing I've ever had done. Basically, though, the test looks for blockages in the uterus and fallopian tubes. Mine were all clear, which is a good thing.

At that point, my doctor said she wanted to wait out a few cycles as some women get pregnant after the HSG test--it can sort of "clean out the cobwebs." I was not and still am not completely happy with the decision for no further testing at this time. We have not even done bloodwork.

But, we do still need to get the hubby in for a sperm anaylsis--SA. My doctor has already written the orders and given instructions, but we've got to deal with his insurance, which is more difficult that mine.

I'm going to stop this update with that--testing done during Cycle 13.

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