Sunday, November 21, 2010

Cycle 15 and A Sorta New Plan

So, yeah, Cycle 15 sucks.

I thought I was going to be okay, but it keeps sneaking up on me. Last Saturday, I had a maybe 30 minutes of being really sad then I was pretty much done. I moved on to being pissed at myself for thinking earlier in the day that there was any hope for the cycle and for testing early at 9DPO (for the hubby's bday). Then, I just hurt. Horrible, awful, almost doubled over in pain cramping.

Alcohol helped.

But, by Sunday, I really felt okay. I made a resolution to not let myself dwell past Saturday night and I didn't. I got up, I went shopping for some new clothes, I attempted to clean the house. I just had a day. Now, I will admit that the clothes shopping might have been a bit of retail therapy--I've put on quite a bit of weight since TTC after losing quite a bit prior to that and I have had trouble getting off and have just been putting off buying clothes. I think that might have been contributing to how crappy I've been feeling all the time.

The hubby was particularly awesome this time. He was very sympathetic and upset himself. He said he'd "f#!* my brains out," so I'm going to try to take him up on that. He balked at the idea of going EOD (every other day) until ovulation is confirmed, but we're going to try. Luckily, I am off the entire week of Thanksgiving and then he'll be off for four days, so I'm hoping the relaxed, not having to get up at 4:30am every day will help us out in the that department.

So, yeah, we're going to try a few things this time. One being the sex. I have also started taking Evening Primrose Oil. Some research shows that it helps increase fertle CM, which I've been having some issues with. I also purchased PreSeed--a lube that mimics fertile CM. A lot of women I know have gotten pregnant the first month using it. We'll see.

What we are not doing is more testing. Te hubby was finally at a place where if I had pushed more, he'd have done an SA. And I had already resolved to do bloodwork on CD3. But, CD3 was a Monday, which meant calling the doctor and getting it set up for THAT day. Normally not an issue, but work was so crazy last week that I just couldn't do it. So, instead I made the decision to hold off on everything until after the first of the year.

I figure, the end of Cycle 15 will be just before Christmas and I just really don't want to ruin the holidays (and my birthday, 2 days after Christmas) with any possible bad news. We will try these next two cycles to have more and better timed sex, hope for the best, and start "fresh" in January.

Well, there's the plan. Here's to moving on and moving forward.

1 comment:

Bethany Jayne said...

That sounds like a great plan friend!
I miss you not being at work, my in-box is very empty. Hope you're having a great week off.