Saturday, January 1, 2011

Wonder if We Ate Enough Black-Eyed Peas

I'm fairly certain the black-eyed peas on New Year's Day is a Southern thing, so for my Yankee friends, eating black-eyed peas on New Year's Day is supposed to ensure luck in the coming year.

The Hubby and I have almost missed this tradition many times. One year, we weren't even thinking of it as being New Year's Day, just a Sunday, so we ended up running through Albertson's at 11:00 pm after seeing a movie and buying the cheapest can they had because it was all that was left.

Decided to take that chance this year and I bought them when I stopped at Aldi yesterday for wine. And The Hubby insisted we eat them when we got home this morning around 1:30. He insisted each eat an entire spoonful. Now, I don't particularly care for black-eyed peas in the first place, so 1:30am cold out of the can was less than appealing.

But, we ate them.

I won't lie. I only one thing on my mind in terms of luck for 2011.

Happy New Year to all my friends. I wish nothing but luck and happiness for this coming year for all of you!

1 comment:

Bethany Jayne said...

Ha! I hate black eyed peas, but last night I was one of about 10 in the canned veggie aisle searching for them, there were none. However, I ran into Walmart this morning and they had a big display of them right when you walked in so I picked a can up. So we'll be eating at least one tonight with dinner, but I'll warm ours up. I hope the yucky things bring both of us good luck this year.