Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Where Did That Come From?

Yeah, it's a two post kinda day.

And it might be more than that before the day is done.

Damn roller coaster.

Anyway, I was just in the restroom at the office (I prayed before I went in--you know those last few days of the 2ww when you are afraid to go pee for fear of what you might find) washing my hands when one of our resident prenant gals walked in behind me.

My first thought?

Look how cute and pregnant she looks.

I know. I shocked even myself. It's not that I have anything against this girl or her pregnancy. Actually, she's a super sweet girl and I'm happy for her (even if we do think the math adds up to her getting prenant on her honeymoon--sigh), but she was cute and pregnant last time I saw her probably three weeks ago. But when I saw her then, behind my smile was always the wistfulness.

Actually, I'm fairly certain that "aw, look how cute the pregnant girl is" thought hasn't entered my mind since my last pregnant friend had her baby.

I think it is that optimism thing again.

And I'm still trying to talk myself out of peeing on sticks. It's not going well. But, I don't have any in the house so it would take an extra stop at the store to get one.

Must concentrate on work . . .

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