Friday, January 21, 2011


How's Big Fat Hormonal sound?

I think I have just turned into one complete ball of hormones and I don't know what to do.

Remember the post earlier this week about my unreasonable emotions? They aren't going away. And today it occurred to me.

I feel like I do when I am PMS'ing or my period has actually showed.

Everybody and everything is annoying me--I actually bitched about something at work today that I don't normally bitch about and to someone I normally wouldn't bitch about it to. I'm weepy over stupid crap like people not wanting to come to my party or not RSVP'ing. I am craving bad food--like greasy Mexican and tonight I have an inexplicable desire for a Coke.

I think all these months have just been building up to make me one big, fat, raging ball of hormones.

I feel sorry for The Hubby if this continues, especially if it is a permanant thing.

I keep wondering if my hormones are all messed up since I'm not real sure of anything this cycle. Nothing about my period made sense. Nothing about ovulation made sense. So, I guess PMS decided to come early too? I'm going to go with that's a good thing. Then maybe my LP will be short so we can just move on.

But, seriously, say a prayer for The Hubby. He always jokes he should take a week-long vacation once a month. I don't want him to have to go for two weeks.


Jenn said...

Love you, Ashley! I hope things get better for you soon!

Also, I've given you an award. The details are in my blog.

MillerMama said...

I'm sorry you're having a tough time! And I actually gave you a blog award too!