Thursday, January 6, 2011

CD2 Blues

Sometimes CD2 is worse than CD1.

Often, my cramping is worse, so I'm just miserable, and that is when the full-blown hormonal nastiness comes to a head.

It didn't help today that I got some bad news about my father, we were dealing with in-law issues, and then all hell broke loose  a on the medical/insurance front--some TTC-related and some not.

Suffice it to say, I'm about ready for this day to be O-V-E-R. As a matter of fact, I am writing this on my laptop from my bed with my new jammies on and by best friend, Mr. Heating Pad on my tummy.

Yeah, it's that kind of a day.

Anyway, the medical issues.

As I mentioned on my CD1 post, I left a message for my doctor's nurse about next steps. I didn't hear exactly what I wanted to hear and I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. My doctor does not want to do CD3 bloodwork--it is not part of her normal protocol at this stage in the game. (Here is a link I found describing the basics of blood testing for infertility because I don't have it in me to describe it all here myself.) The reason I'm not quite sure how I feel about this is that from my understanding from both TTGP/3T message boards and other research is that CD3 bloodwork is one of the first steps. Instead, my doctor wants to wait for The Hubby's SA results and do CD21 (or 7pdo) bloodwork (see link above for info on this also) before doing anything else.

I'm okay with doing the later bloodwork except that one of its main purposes is to confirm ovulation. Well, I chart. I've charted for the majority of my time TTC now and I know I ovulate. There has never even been one question about that. CD3 bloodwork also includes a check of thyroid levels. I really want this checked. I've had issues getting doctors to check this in the past (they kept trying to tell me I was too young) and I have valid concerns for getting it checked--both strong family history and just symptoms here and there. I probably don't have issues there, but I'd like to know.

So, now I'm at the point of deciding what I want to do. Do I call again tomorrow (CD3) and insist? Do I wait out this cycle while The Hubby has his SA and do the post-O bloodwork, then insist? Do I bite the bullet and find an RE?

I don't know yet.

We are still dealing the with The Hubby's insurance company on the SA, but I'm sure he'll be able to get that done next week. He's also been doing some research on his own regarding the different medications he takes. It's nice to have him 100% fully onboard, in the same place I am on this.

Two hours later, this post is done. I'm still in bed. My best friend Mr. Heating Pad crapped out on me, so The Hubby promptly drove up to the store to to get me a replacement. Love him.

Now to finish up Private Practice and on to bed. CD3 has to be better, right?

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