Thursday, January 27, 2011

But first, A Blog Award

Two of my lovely friends have awarded me a blog award.
Thank you to Jenn and MillerTimeMama for the honor. I love you both tons for being the sweet, supportive gals you are!

Now that I have been given this award, there are some rules that I am to follow.

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!
So, a few things about me:
1. I was never really a dog person until I met The Hubby. We always had dogs growing up, but I never thought I really wanted them for myself. Then I met The Hubby and fell in love with his doxie baby, Nicole. She became my little buddy and after she died, we got two more doxie babies, who are like my kids.
2. I have an unhealthy love all TexMex food. I could literally eat it every day and never complain.
3. I am avid sports fan. To the point of obsession at times. The Hubby often tries to tell me I'm wrong on a sports-related subject then has to take it back.
4. I am in love with Robert Redford and told The Hubby very early on in our relationship that I would leave him for Robert.
5. I have what most would call an unhealthy relationship with the TV. Some nights, I can up to 4 things recording on the DVR at one time. I live for new fall seasons and have to force myself to not start new shows.
 6. If I could get away with it, I would never wear shoes. I despise wearing shoes. I never wear them at home. I take them off at most friends' and families' houses. I can often be caught with no shoes on at my desk at work.
7. I have four brothers. When my was pregnant with the youngest, I thought for sure I was finally getting the sister I always wanted. Not so much. As it turns out, I was supposed to be a sister to all brothers and I wouldn't have had it any other way.
 And now for my awardees. I can't promise to make it to 15.


Melissa McMommy said...

Thanks for the award!

I'm with you on the no shoes thing. I love the feeling of socks, though, and I would like to wear them all day. But not the same pair all day, because I hate it when they start to get stretched out by the end of the day. I love the feeling of nice clean socks when I first put them on. So I guess I would like to wear no shoes, and change my socks 5 or 6 times a day. That would be nice. :)

MillerMama said...

I hate shoes - I live for flip flop season! And "Up Close and Personal" was one of my favorite movies when I was younger because I had a crush on Robert Redford ;o)

Jenni said...

Thanks so much for the award! :)