Monday, January 3, 2011

I Wish

I am back at work today after a two week break at the end of the year--no, I'm not a teacher, just very lucky to have a job that let's me use my time in such a way that I can always take the last two weeks of the year off if I so choose.

So, back to work today and since I was not able to go grocery shopping this weekend, I had no food in the house and needed breakfast. Luckily, I have friends who usually need breakfast too. While fetching our breakfast from the cafe downstairs, my friend Julie compliments my Christmas card. Usually, I give the cards out at work, but I ordered them late this year, so they were not here in time for me to do that before many of us went on vacation. I had also mentioned to her that not everybody in the office was getting my picture card. I guess I neglected to mention that was because I didn't order enough to do that, so only my good friends would be getting the card and most would be mailed.

Julie said this morning that she was half hoping/expecting a sonogram picture.

I wish.

Funny, though, the comment didn't upset me in any way as I might have expected. I suppose because it was coming from such a good place. She knows what I've been going through and wants very much for me to be pregnant.

For now, I'm just wishing for better than a sonogram picture on next year's card--I'm wishing for baby pictures.

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