Thursday, March 24, 2011

Out of The Hubby's Mouth: Comforting Words

"Listen honey!!! I will do whatever it takes. I want this as bad as you do I promise, just let me know what I need to do. I promise you even if there is something wrong with me we will have a baby even if we adopt. I have to have that in my life. And I know you do too."

[Insert tears from me in the gym locker room--AFTER I put on my makeup.]

"I know I need to be more sensitive to your needs and I will be. Ijust love you so much and I don't like seeing you upset and to see all the stress you put on yourself. It kills me, and it makes life so much harder and doesn't improve or solve the problem."

"Let's embrace whatever comes our way and turn it into something positive."

Text messages from The Hubby received this morning after a particularly rough night. I'm a freaking basketcase right now and am taking it out too much on him. But, just because he knows, doesn't mean he understands fully (how exactly can he possibly comprehend the raging hormones and emotions I've got going on? I don't even understand them) what I'm feeling, so we fight.

I have to stop letting it build up so that all I want to do is get mad. I just feel like nobody in my life (aside from my wonderful internet friends) understands and I don't want to feel like I'm complaining and whining all the time or that it's the only thing on my mind, so I bottle it up. I try to keep a brave face and smile my way through it, but that's not healthy. I need to talk to him more so that my frustrations don't come out that way.

But those texts meant more than just about anything. I KNOW he wants what I do, but his approach to things is so different from mine. So, I just end up feeling like he doesn't care as much.

It's nice to hear every now and then that we are working toward the same goal.

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