Friday, March 11, 2011

And a New Step

The Hubby and I just joined Weight Watchers.

I've been toying with the idea of joining since last summer when I was reaching weight highs and not loving it, but The Hubby talked me out it. Our theory was that I had done it on my own before with working out and watching my food intake--I didn't even really count calories.

But, when I started losing that weight, I was 4 years younger, on hormonal birth control, and had what it took to put all my thought and energy into it.

I don't have what it takes to put all my thought and energy into it anymore.

Losing weight tends to stress me out when I have other things going on, partially because I'm doing it for it two. Since I am the one who does all the food shopping, preparing, and cooking, The Hubby tends to leave the portion control and calorie counting to me. Problem there is that it takes a lot of time and energy to track one person, let alone two. Then there is the issue of it being me telling him what to and what not to eat. That just doesn't work.

I had hoped just joining the gym would do the trick. I basically do not lose weight just cutting back on food. My body needs the activity. But, we still struggled to get to the gym every day. Then, last week, I decided I wanted to try morning workouts and The Hubby wanted to still workout with me, so we've started getting up at an un-godly hour and dragging our butts to the gym.

Despite this push, though, I discovered late this week that the scale had gone up. I saw a number I have never seen and never expected to see outside of possible pregnancy. I will admit that I still haven't done the best at eating, but since working out every day, I had been doing better--plus, I am burning off on average 700 freaking calories a day in my workout. Shouldn't that count for something?

There was also the little argument that ensued while I was cooking dinner the other night. We had a difference of opinion on how many tacos The Hubby should eat. I finally had to hand him the package of tortillas so he could see why I was limiting him. It was quite the eye opener for him and made me realize that HE is never going to lose weight until he starts paying attention to his own food.

So, we are now members of Weight Watchers. Doing the online program. I'm really excited about it. I have a few friends who have had great success on it, so I'm really hoping this is the push we both need.

I'm still very upset with myself for letting it get this out of hand. I look at pictures of me two years ago and cannot believe how far I've gone. And I know that the weight is not good for either of us in terms of TTC and for me in a potential pregnancy. So, that is really good motivation, especially as we move forward with testing--I will be very happy to tell the RE that we, hopefully, we have already started losing and have a plan in place to lose.

And maybe I hope just a little to fit back into all my cute skinny clothes.

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