Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Doctor Day?

Today was the day. Eighteen months in the making. RE day.

I had my first appointment with my new RE today. Dr. Robert Kaufmann of Fort Worth Fertility.

First, I really liked all of the people in his office. They were all very friendly and personable, which is sort of important for me going into something like this. It's clinical and emotional enough without the people acting like it's not at all personal.

Next, can I say thank God for insurance. Correction--thank God for MY insurance. I have one very dear friend who has coverage and desperately needs it. She has actual known issues, but to go any further, everything will be OOP. That is so not fair. It makes me all the more grateful that everything I had done today was $20 (though, I do imagine I'll get billed for a little more than that co-pay).

I love Dr. Kaufmann. One my lovely 3T Bump ladies is a patient and it was her rave review that really pushed me to Dr. Kaufmann. She said he was really nice and personable and she was so right. He did not talk down to me. He did not pity me. He was very interested--in more than just my fertility. He clearly had sympathy for my emotional state. He was very proactive. And he said I was young! I love him for that alone. I am not one to feel old, but this whole process of TTC has made me feel a little bit that way. So, I loved that my DOCTOR told me I'm young, even in TTC terms.

The appointment itself consisted of filling out a lot of paperwork and then a sitdown with Dr. Kaufmann and one of the other doctors. He went over my history in my words. And then we discussed steps. Since my HSG in September was clear (he took my word on that as they don't have my files from my OB/GYN yet), the next steps he wanted were a sonogram of my eggs (or, rather, the follicles that stimulate egg growth) and the SA for The Hubby. He wanted the sonogram today and the SA as soon as possible.

Since we live so close, The Hubby has the option of procuring his sample at home and we can bring it into the clinic. (I had a good little laugh with myself while waiting to see the doctor while thinking of a scene in "Forget Paris." Debra Winger and Billy Crystal are TTC and seeing a specialist. He has to give his sample but has trouble doing it in the office, so he asks if he can go home. They tell him it has to be there within the hour and he says "Perfect! I ejaculate 30 minutes from here!" Hehe.) Due to some medical issues on his part, I'm not 100% certain that will get done this week, but hopefully the beginning of next at the latest. We've got all the equipment for it, so we just need the time.

The sonogram--or dildo cam as we lovingly refer to it on the Bump--was an experience. Pain/discomfort was more than a Pap, but way less than the HSG. I think part of the issue was just due to where I still am in my cycle. At CD3, I've still got some pain and discomfort from cramping and such. Though, he did admit to being a little rough. Emotionally, there was the whole thing of wanting your first sonogram to be of a baby, not stupid follies.

There may or may not be an issue with my follies, it turns out. He said he likes to see 5 in each ovary. I had 6 in one and 4 in the other. He wasn't worries, but he did say that it was less than average for what he would expect and want for someone my age, but it may or may not be causing any issues. Because of that finding and since I was lucky to be in CD3, he did decide to draw blood for the the AMH (anti mullerian hormone)--he was very impressed that I knew what that was, thank you 3T! He said he doesn't necessarily do CD3 b/w (as a matter of face, I'm pretty sure he was not going to do it until what he saw on the sonogram), but it was warranted. He did also mentioned that my uterus is tilted, which is actually more common that I ever knew and doesn't mean anything other than it's at a different angle. It has no bearing on fertility, which I already knew.

I'm not concerned about that finding as of right now, but I do think he was a bit more concerned than his words were telling me he was.

As for the plan, he told me what the next normal steps are. Of course, much of it will depend on the findings of all tests--both mine and The Hubby's. Most likely, though, we would be headed straight for IUI--I love that he even used the old turkey baster reference for that. He suspects, especially given that my tubes are clear and now that he didn't see anything abnormal (such as possible endometriosis) on the sonogram, that we might be headed for unexplained IF. Basically, that means that all the known causes will have been checked and cleared, so they won't really know where my issue is. In that case, IUI would be our best bet.

He said we could, and many couples do, opt for just fertility drugs (Clomid) initially, but with all else looking good, that only increases our chanced each month by about 1%. I ovulate, I ovulate regularly, I clearly have plenty of follies (even if I have slightly fewer than average), and I have no blockages. So, drugs alone would not really be of much help to me.

Last resort, in his mind, unless we are dealing with major issues--and he doesn't even consider a slightly low sperm count a major issue--would be IVF. He said some opt to go straight for that, but monetarily, he thinks it is wise to try IUI first. I wish I could remember how much the chances increase for IUI, but I don't. He did say there is a 60% chance of taking home a baby with IVF at my age.

For me, I feel like we are still a cycle or two away from that major decision. Even IUI still scares me because it still involves drugs and all the fun hormones that come with it. And, we will need to get in writing everything our insurance covers. I know mine covers quite a bit, but I don't know all the specifics.

So, as all the 3T ladies have said, I do feel so much clearer. It was nice to have some control (even Dr. K mentioned that--that by being there, I was taking back some control over the process). I feel better knowing that we will have some answers. Even if some of the answers are bad or not what I want to hear, there will be no more awful waiting and thinking we've done everything right only to be disappointed over and over.

Thank you everybody for the support, especially the last few days. They were rough, but I promise I'm not a crazy person. I was better before and now I'm feeling really good!


Bethany Jayne said...

I'm so glad that you liked Dr. Kauffman and the appointment went well! I'm thinking about you!

Cris said...

I'm tilted too! LOL. My dr. told me that just meant I'd enjoy some positions better than others. I was too chicken to ask which ones. LOL! So glad that things went well today and you feel good about the plan. My friends got preggo with IUI even with a sperm count that was less than desirable that day, I'm so hopeful for you!

Julie said...

I'm tilted, also! I had no idea how common it was until my doc mentioned it. I'm SO, SO glad the appointment went well, and that you're feeling better now. Keeping happy thoughts and prayers going your way!

MillerMama said...

I'm so glad you felt comfortable with the doctor and that you are moving forward. Hoping you'll get that little one sooner than you thought!