Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Dance!!

This is the first time I've been this excited about something in awhile!

When I set up for Weight Watchers, I chose Saturday as our weigh-in day. Not really sure why other than the fact that we can tend to eat more than usual on the weekends, so I figured we'd have the whole week to burn all that off.

And burn we did.

I lost 7 freaking pounds!!!!

I am beyond ecstatic about that number.

Now, I am not naive enough to think that I actually lost 7 pounds in one week. I know my body and I know how I lose weight. I have a tendency to hold on to weight and then it sort of comes off in one large chunk--at least according to the scale. So, I would venture to guess that number is a culmination of the past few weeks of working out really hard then adding in the better eating I did last week.

Oh, and the best part? I still showed that number after having a cheeseburger and fries for lunch the day before. We had been really good all week and The Hubby wanted to take a co-worker to lunch for her last day, so I tagged along (because it was a freaking hamburger--hello!!) and we had not use any flex points or activity points, all of which would start over the next day. And I figured if we followed it up with a really healthy, light dinner (which we did), then we'd probably be okay.

The Hubby lost 3 pounds. I think he was a little disappointed, but three pounds in a week is better than good.

I've already got this week's meals planned and we'll be back at the gym tomorrow morning (Sunday is our rest day--and boy did we need it this week). We were talking yesterday about the fact that we are both back in workout-mode. It's been a long time for us, so we're really happy about that and very proud of ourselves. We're starting Week 4 of morning workouts and we've worked out every day except one Monday when we were both sick.

I've actually caught myself having fleeting thoughts of being able to wear my skinny clothes next fall/winter or some of my skinny summer clothes. For the past year and half, I've thought about losing weight, but I've always made myself not think in those terms because I felt like I was trading in being pregnant for being skinny. That was so unhealthy and was causing me to sabotage myself.

I'm not doing that anymore. My goal is to lose weight and be healthy. We will start testing in just over a week and go from there. If I get pregnant, I will already be in a good place workout-wise and eating-wise to hopefully keep myself healthy and to keep from overgaining during pregnancy.

It's a brand new day!

1 comment:

Bethany Jayne said...

I'm so proud of you! Way to go!