Monday, October 31, 2011

Sometimes All You Can Do Is Laugh - Before You Cry

Thought I would log on quickly this morning and get my annual benefits enrollment done.

Quick, painless, easy.


Anybody care to guess how hard I laughed at that one?

Until I almost burst into tears at my desk.

Fucking CD1.

Here's the thing. I've been planning a pregnancy in the upcoming benefits year for two years now. Year one, I started an FSA. And lost a lot of money. Year two, I put less money in said FSA. It is not October, and I will be losing a lot of money.

Can somebody tell me what the fuck a planned pregnancy is because I don't even know anymore. I've been trying to plan a pregnancy for two damned years and I haven't succeeded. If there ever is a pregnancy, I can guarantee you I will be more than surprised by it.

So, yeah, I laughed. Briefly.

Now, I would just like to go home and cry.

Oh, excpet, since my period started while I was at work, I actually have to go home and tell The Hubby that I'm not pregnant, which I'm pretty sure is going to crush him this time.

Fun time.

Fucking Monday.

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