Saturday, May 7, 2011

Power of Prayer

I've heard them all. Everyone struggling with IF has heard the lines.

When you stop trying, it'll happen.
It'll happen when you least expect expect.
Maybe it's not your time.
God has a plan.
Have you tried . . .

But one other thing I've heard, not as often, is "I'm praying for you."

I don't know what it is about that line that effects me more than any of the others. It almost wipes away all of the crappy, uneducated things people say.

I am, as I think I've mentioned before, a believer in God's will and God's plan. I believe in the power of prayer - I've seen how it works.

And I know a lot of people who say "I'm praying for you" or some variation as an automatic response. It's not that I think these people are not true to their words, but I don't always believe their sincerity.

Other people, I truly believe put thought and real authenticity behind their prayers.

I hate to distinguish because who wouldn't take a prayer or good thought in whatever form it comes. And I do.

But, it's the people in the latter category who touch me. These are people who don't say "I'll be praying for you," but rather, "I've been praying for you."

This may seem like semantics, but when someone says that to me, I feel as though they've been thinking about my situation, they truly believe that The Hubby and I should be parents, and really want to help us in the only way they can.

It makes me feel so incredibly lucky to have people in my life who care that much about me.

It touches my heart.

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