Monday, June 27, 2011

Well, This Is New

Given that we have not been able to time things this cycle and given my utter exhaustion of the whole process, I had every intention of calling off this cycle and possibly taking a complete break. I was just done. I didn't even bother to temp. Sunday morning even though it should have confirmed ovulation.

Apparently, my uterus decided that IT would make those kind of decisions for me.

I woke up Sunday morning, CD13, to bleeding when I went to the bathroom. Um, what?!

This was not just a little blood. Definitely not spotting. Though, I did wonder at first - maybe ovulation bleeding. Never had it myself, but there is a first time for everything.

But, I knew almost immediately, this was not what was going on. I had put a pantyliner on just in case and it quickly became obvious that wasn't going to do the trick. Within a few hours, I was having period-like bleeding, with some clotting.

I've felt sort of "off". Not sure how to explain it. When I first woke up Sunday morning, I actually thought I felt like I had PMS cramping - nothing intense, just there. And I've continued to have that, a little worse Sunday evening. My tummy also feels icky, which is a PMS symptom for me.

And I've been a bit lightheaded.

Seriously, WTF is going on with my body? Here I am supposed to be ovulating and I'm having another period? Without ovulation? Or is something else going on?

I won't lie. I wondered about a miscarriage. My period two weeks ago was mostly normal on paper, but I thought it felt off. Maybe I'm crazy. And my post period temps have been mostly normal except for the two big drops, but my CM pattern has been completely off.

I REALLY don't want to call the doctor. I've mentioned before my issue with calling doctors. But, I have to, right? I mean, this is NOT normal. It is now 24 hours later and the bleeding is still significant.

I just really can't handle another issue at this point. I'm at my breaking point and this is just not helping.

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