Thursday, March 17, 2011

Always on My Mind

(Cue Willie Nelson . . . )

This might be what you'd call an obvious statement, but trying to get pregnant is always in my mind. It's a consideration in everything I do--activities, plans, for I eat, what I drink. I'd love for it to not be there, but when so many things can effect the outcome, it seems omnipresent.

This is not to say that I don't drink in the 2ww or have coffee or don't plan an event, vacation (wait, what's that? it's been awhile), etc. around possibly being pregnant. Did I maybe in the beginning. Little bit. But, that gets real old real fast when you've been trying more than a few months.

The one thing that usually gets me going, though, is working out.

There are so many schools of thought. And I think that if I had been working out at the level I was a few years back for all this time, it wouldn't really cross my mind so much to worry.

On CD1, I have no problem having a serious workout. I get out my frustrations. And all during that two weeks while I'm waiting to O, I turn up the volume. But, then O comes. And after O, I start wondering.

This time around, it's a lot different because The Hubby and I have really been pushing it at the gym this entire cycle. We switched from afternoon/evening workouts to morning and that's not only helped us go every day, it's also upped my intensity because I'm going every day. I do the elliptical for an hour (plus 5 minute cool down) and am burning off 700+ calories a day. The "issue" is that my heart rate also spikes anywhere from 165 to 175 (pretty sure there was a 180 in there one day). It's not that high the entire time because I do 5-minute rotations of sprinting and a slower pace. During the workout, though, the lowest my heart rate drops is 145.

All of this was on my mind at I approached O this time around, knowing how hard I've been working. I didn't know for sure I was past O until after yesterday's workout, so this morning, I felt like I had a decision to make. I am now 5DPO (took four temps for FF to give me CHs). I decided to err on the side of caution.

I bumped it down a notch. Normally, during my sprints, I average 170 strides per minute (a little less later in the workout when I've got the resistance and crossbar at a higher level) and then 138 during my "down" times. I dropped down to 158/160 (then less as the I bumped up the resistance and crossbar) for sprints but kept the 138 for down times.

My heart rate was averaging 148. A little higher than I might have liked, but I know my body and there is no way I could have gotten any kind of a decent workout at anything less than that. I did peak at 154 during one sprint because I pushed a bit too hard. But, I didn't worry about it.

The great thing was that I still felt like it was a great workout and I still burned 675 calories.

I probably put too much thought into it this time around, but I feel like this one is the "final countdown." This is our last shot at being pregnant without being under the watchful eye of an RE. I don't know what's going to happen after the 29th. I know all next cycle will be testing, but beyond that, I have no idea.

I'm happy to working out like this again. Even if the scale is being stubborn (although I did finally see some downward movement this week; weigh in is Saturday, so we'll see), we're on the right track and that makes me happy. I WANT to lose the weight and be healthier.

It's just that pesky balancing act with TTC.

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