Sunday, February 13, 2011

There Is Something to Be Said about Relaxing

I feel about 10 times better mentally than I have in awhile.

By no means does temping every day stress me out. Quite the opposite. I love knowing what is going on with my body. But, I had hit the point where I was trying to analyze too much and wonder what every temp, OPK, and CM meant. I knew last cycle when I got pisses at a temp that should have meant nothing that it was time for the break.

I think it has been good for both me and The Hubby. Me not worrying = him not worrying. And I love that if I initiate sex and he asks if I'm ovulating, I can honestly say I don't know. Of course, I have a pretty good idea since I'm pretty "regualar" on that and I am checking CM. But, I'm not using OPKs, so no pressure there. Just having fun.

We had sex on the living room floor in the middle of the afternoon the other day. Couldn't tell you the last time we were that spontaneous.

I will go back to temping next cycle since we will hopefully be in with an RE and I'll need to know exact dates for certain tests. But for now, I'm extremely happy to relax.

1 comment:

Bethany Jayne said...

Woo Hoo! To Sex in the middle of the living room floor!
I agree that not temping this cycle and last has put me in much better mind frame for the better.
<3 ya lady!