Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Unexplained It Is

I got the call yesterday that my AMH levels are excellent--1.8; 1.0 is normal.

The Hubby gave his sample yesterday. We were both nervous wrecks waiting for the results. He was convinced, especially after we got my results, that he was the problem. I tried explaining unexplained infertility, but he didn't quite get it.

He bugged me all day to call the doctor's office, but wanted to wait until 24 hours after the drop off. But, 2:00pm came and I chickened out. I did not want to hear bad news.

At 2:30, I called. I much have a sixth sense. The nurse had JUST gotten the results.

"Normal" was all she said.

That was enough for me, but I wanted some numbers. The numbers I hear about the most are total count, motility, and morphology.

128 million. Good number? Nope. EXCELLENT number. Normal is anything over 40 million. The nurse and I both actually giggled a little when she said the number.

Motility (how fast the boys swim) is 53%. Normal between 40% and 50%.

Morphology (basically, how they are shaped; their condition) is 5%. There are conflicting opinions on the normal number here. And, I'm reading more, conflicting opinions on what it means. There is little they can do to correct any issues here and it may or may not prevent the sperm from impregnating.

I was practically in tears when I got off the phone and immediately called The Hubby.

I could tell he was practically in tears when I said normal. He was so excited; it was so cute. He wanted to hear all the numbers and said he wanted to frame the results.

He has taken to calling himself Superman and The Sperminator. If nothing else, this has given him more confidence.

I haven't quite decided if this all good news or bad news. On the one hand, we haven't just been spinning our wheels for a year and half. There may still be issues that they have no tests for, but all the basics are good. So, good news. But, if all of the basics are good, why haven't we gotten pregnant in a year and half? And is our only option now for getting pregnant any time soon IUI?

For now, I'm happy with just knowing. Now, this cycle, we can have good timing (hopefully) and and know that there is nothing huge in our way. I've always said that just knowing one way or the other will be huge for me and it really is.

The Hubby believes this just means it's not happening yet and we just have to keep trying. I am on board with that as I almost feel like this a huge sign that God has a plan and we have to be patient. But, The Hubby also still has some issues understanding the process. He thinks I can call the doctor and they can tell me the exact date to have sex and get pregnant. I swear he watched The Sperm Race. How can he not get it?

I will be calling Dr. K's office back tomorrow to see what the plan should be going forward. I still have not the 7DPO progesterone check, so I would like to see if they want to do that this cycle. The accupuncturist I saw a few months ago thought I might be low, but I don't know how much stock I put in her opinion due to how she drew that conclusion.

I know what Dr. K will say the plan should be. We can either continue on our own or head to IUI. He will give the option of just doing a medicate cycle, but I know that doesn't up our chances a lot. But, my mother was also unexplained and one round of Clomid got her by brother.

So, we'll have decisions to make too. I don't know what they will be yet. And they won't be made until after this cycle.

We'll have to see if The Sperminator (what do we think? blog name change for The Hubby?) with his new found confidence can get the job done this time around!


MillerMama said...

I'm glad his results were good! It has to be hard to kind of be in limbo, though. Hoping you can feel good about moving forward either way!

April Fontaine said...

We were unexplained, too, and two cycles of clomid got me pregnant with minimal side effects. Might be worth a shot... Crossing my fingers for you!