Monday, March 19, 2012

5 Week Bumpdate

The sheer excitement to start this weekly update is indescribable.

No bump picture this week, for obvious reasons. I think there is the smallest bit of bloat going on the evenings, obviously nothing else. And I have no interest in taking a picture of my currently flabby belly.

How far along? 5 weeks and a day or so (really wishing I'd been charting to I knew my exact O date; oh, well)

Weight gain/loss: Just going to lay it out there. I was at 174 the last time I weighed before finding out I'm pregnant. It had probably been a little over a week since I'd weighed and I'd missed some days of working out due to my own injury, a little pain/illness The Hubby was going through, and attending a wedding. I will also admit to some stress eating from work stress. So, when I weighed on Wednesday, the day after finding out, I was at 177. So, I'm using that as my starting weight. I will be weighing on Sundays or Mondays from this point as that's when my new week starts and when I will do these updates. The scale showed one pound up from last week.

Workout Note: I'm adding this one for my own little accountability. I am trying to continue as much of my regular workout as possible. Previously, I was on a routine of M/F - hour cardio split between bike/treadmill/ellipical, very heavy pace, very high heart rate; T/Th - 20min. elliptical, hour BodyPump class (strength training w/cardio), 25min. elliptical, very heavy pace very high heart rate; W - 20min. elliptical, hourlong Nike Training Club (boot camp/circuit training), incredibly high paced, lots of impact moves; Sat. - cardio kickboxing, crazy high paced and heart rate. When I injured myself a few weeks back, I'd taken off a day of NTC and actually stopped my cardio machines altogether and started swimming a little. My goal is to continue working out as much as possibly can. I am already overweight, but getting into shape and I don't want to lose that. And I know how good it will be for me during pregnany, during labor/delivery, and after birth. My current routine is M/F - swimming (hour), T/Thu - 20min. ellipitical, BodyPump (with some lower weights; modifications will come as I progress), W - probably an hour on the elliptical, S - cardio kickboxing (LOTS of breaks, LOTS of water, and no impact moves).

Feeling:  Mostly okay. Nausea here and there, but mostly if  I'm going too long without eating. Tummy issues here and there, but mostly food related - I've apparently developed a bit of lactose intolerance, which is really annoying because I'm a big-time dairy girl. Lactaid is my new BFF. Beyond that, absolutely elated and could not care less when I feel like crap.

Maternity clothes:  Uh, no. Not even close.

Sleep:  There's not enough of it, but that was true pre-pregnancy. I think I've gotten up to pee at least once a night every night, but usually something else has woken me up. I don't seem to be sleeping as soundly, but I am sleeping.

Food cravings:  More like does anything sound good? I have little desire for anything I usually love (pasta, chocolate) and feel better when I eat real, whole meals.

Movement:  Way too early!

Best moment this week:  Those two beautiful lines (on all three tests) and the digital read out: "pregnant". (And I may or may not have 4 more digitals to take.)

What I'm looking forward to:  My first appointment can't get here soon enough. I'm praying we get the chance to see our little (insert cute name here; still trying to decide on one, suggestions welcome). And telling more people. Yes, a lot of people already know, but there an important few who I can't wait to tell.

Next Appointment:  April 9

Milestones:  Baby is the size of an appleseed this week and will begin developing his/her little heart. Mommy can't wait to hear it beat.

Promise all weekly updates will NOT be this long and involved!


Melissa @ Growing Up Geeky said...

Ahhhh congratulations! This is the best news I've seen in a while :)

Sorry so late.

Lauren @ This Life said...

I called my DD the parasite when she was on the inside. Not so endearing, but it was a true story.