Wednesday, May 23, 2012

13 Week Bumpdate

I'm choosing not to skip Week 13 despite being well into Week 14.

First, the bump:

Kind of blurry of the face. I saw a marked difference between week 12 and week 13. Now, a lot of it is still my fat being pushed up by my growing uterus (I can feel my uterus at the bottom of the "bump"), but a bump is a bump.

How far along?  13 weeks!!!

Weight gain/loss:  Hard to say, really. At my 12-week appointment, my doctor said I had gained the right amount of weight. I think I was just under 10 lbs. total for the pregnancy. 

Workout: Still averaging 3 to 4 times a week depending on how tired I am. I'm hoping now that season finales of all my shows are over, I can get to be at a more normal time to make up for crappy sleeping.

Maternity clothes? Closer, definitely. The bella bands are the most awesome things ever. I may never button pants again - ever.

Stretch marks?  A few new ones in boob area.

Sleep? Broke out the body pillow we've had for awhile. Hoping that will work, but afraid not.

Best moment this week: Most definitely hearing the precious heartbeat. SO amazing and a sound I will never get tired of. Beyond that, there was an awesome baseball game (despite a two-hour rain delay) - Go Rangers!! and a fun Mother's Day that included our first shopping for baby trip.

Food cravings: No real cravings to speak up. Well, except maybe chocolate milk. Drinking a lot of that.

Gender:  Too early, but we have the date set: July 5!!!

Belly button in or out? Still in.

Movement?  Sadly, too early. I keep trying to concentrate really hard to see if I can feel anything. Nothing.

What I miss:  My BodyPump class. I miss it a lot. I swim on the mornings I used to go to class and I see people coming in and miss it. I watch the clock and think it's time for squats, back, shoulders. Miss it a lot.

What I'm looking forward to:  Shopping and planning. Since hearing the heartbeat, we've sort of gone into full planning mode.

Milestones:  Hearing the heartbeat!

1 comment:

'HoulaMom said...

You look great!! And kudos for working out during first tri-I think I just laid around and ate popsickles. HA!