Thursday, September 29, 2011


I was totally going somewhere else with the post I planned to write today, but I started looking back through old posts, fearful that I was going to start being repetitive.

Now, I don't remember all the thoughts I had rolling around in my head and am just feeling very reflective about my TTC journey.

Maybe that's fitting since this post is actually coming at the two-year mark.

My feelings have been so mixed lately.

My desire for a child, to be a mom has gotten even stronger. I have these fleeting moments that hit me so hard that I can barely breathe. I feel a baby in my arms, or picture myself picking out baby items, or reading to a small child. These things seem so tangible lately.

If this was two years ago, or even a year ago, I might have felt comforted by that. Like maybe I was preparing myself somehow. And, really, it's those strong feelings that sort of pull me through some days.

But the very flip side of it all is the disenchantment with trying. I am so far beyond over it that a lot of times I don't even have the desire to try. It feels so fruitless.

And I feel hypocritical in many ways that I get sympathy for my "struggle" with IF. Yes, I put myself into the category because the "rule" is one year of unsuccessful trying = IF. I still struggle with the fact that I am unexplained. I feel like I don't really have room to complain when I'm not doing anything "help" my situation.

But, the bottom line is we cannot affort treatments. We could swing a round or two of just Clomid with monitoring (and there would be monitoring; Clomid without monitoring is NOT an option). But I just worry that I will put us through the emotional mess that could be for not much of an increase in odds given that I'm doing okay on all the things Clomid is meant to help. So, do I really get to play the IF card if I continue along the same path?

And I am just so unhappy with myself in general.

I am so disgusted looking in the mirror by the constant outbreaks I see. They are ALL I see when I look at myelf and I wonder how I can put forth the confident face I'm supposed to with my role as a Stella & Dot stylist and even my day job when all I want to do is hide my face.

And I don't feel much better about my body. I cannot lose weight. Since the beginning of the year, I've ballooned up to my highest weight ever, I've joined a gym, I've tried Weight Watchers, these days I don't eat much at all. And all I have to show for it is about 17 pounds lost, which still leaves me at least 50 pounds overweight. While I fully admit to not always having the best eating habits and to being a bit of a gym slacker from time to time, a lot of that stems from just not caring because even when I do care, I feel like it's not getting me anywhere, so why try?

I look at the clothes in my closet and hate the ones I have to wear and miss the ones I can no longer wear. I felt so good about myself when I was 30 pounds lighter and I just can't seem to get back there.

This morning, I actually had thoughts of going back on birth control for a month (because I still have a pack), which would really serve no purpose other than to ensure I definitely don't get pregnant. And I think, well, what if we just take a break. If it happened, what a surprise, but just let myself focus on my body.

But would that make me feel any better? Probably not.

Basically, we will keep going to the way we have until another option are more reachable.

I fear a little for my sanity sometimes.

I've been feeling every year and month of my age, which is very new to me. But, at less than a year and half to go before I'm classified as advanced maternal age, I feel like each passing month is a ticking time bomb. It scares me.

Anything related to kids, babies, and pregnancy makes me cry (with a few exceptions). Every Facebook status update of a pregnancy/birth/child announcement or woe or milestone or simple funny kiddo story. Every new picture of a sonogram or growing belly or new baby or even someone's kiddo who just turned 5 or 7 or 11.

Sometimes, I can just be watching TV and thoughts get so overwhelming that I have to pause what I'm watching to catch my breath to hold back the tears.

As I look back on this journey I'm on, I just feel no closer to the end. Of course, that makes me question what the end really looks like because it used to look like a baby, but now I don't know. And I don't feel like I've learned anything from this other than dealing with emotional pain.

I am at such a crossroads and don't know which direction I will take.

I feel like I am at the end of something that never really began.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


August 25.

One month, two days.

It feels like all time exists after that day.

Life as we knew it will never be the same.

The Hubby and I have a group of friends. And seemingly odd collection of friends with seemingly not a much in common - except maybe a love of poker. But we're friends, almost a dysfunctional family at times. It seems, though, that you don't really realize what you've got until something big happens. Very big.

One of our friends, one of The Hubby's best friends, took his own life.

The aftermath has been the most difficult, the most surreal thing I have ever dealt with. Period.

Anything else I write at this point is more than I need to cover here, although, I want to put it out there that this person suffered from clinical depression - it is very important to me that people are aware of this and understand that depression is a sickness and that he is not judged by this act.

I had to get this post out there, though, because, as I said, I feel like everything in my life now takes place post that event. So, everything in my life is now colored by what happened - including getting pregnant.

This happened 2DPO last cycle. I managed to get a couple of days worth of temps in to confirm O then put away the thermometer. We weren't getting much sleep and I just didn't want to deal with the whole process. Once this cycle came, I nearly didn't even bother temping because I my heart was not even into trying. (I did decide to temp. just so I would have an idea of where I was in the cycle at th end; and we did sort of try, but I just didn't push timing.)

TTC has taken on such a mixture of emotions. On the one hand, the desire for a child has almost intensified (I also blame some of that on hitting the two year mark) - which I did not think possible. But on the other, the process has started to feel so ridiculous and pointless (also a possible side effect of the two ear mark).

I think I may have sort of lost where I was going with this post other than to get out there what has been going on because things have changed for me. I don't fully know how, but they have. And by getting this out here, I can hopefully move on in terms of this blog and maybe TTC.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sad, lonely blog

Apparently, I've been in radio silence. Of course, I wish that meant good news that I wasn't ready to share, even here, but it does not.

It so started out as a good thing. I was in an okay place and handling my emotions really well - not feeling the need to express them in cyber world.

But the past few weeks have been completely different and I've so wanted to write. Lots of thoughts in my head. But I don't know how to express them all.

Some of what is going on is left for another post because I still really, truly cannot deal with getting those words out there.

One thing I do have to get out there, though, is that the second anniversary is upon me. A year ago tomorrow I began Cycle 13. I don't know the exact date of Cycle 1 because I wasn't yet charting and "serious" about the whole TTC thing, but I know it was September.

Something about these milestones really get to me. I never, not even with my fears going into it, thought I would sit here two years later with no pregnancy or baby. Never.

Sadness. Lost. Bitter.

I can hardly describe how I feel anymore. It's become too difficult and I've found myself not liking the way I feel about certain situation, but I also find myself not apologizing for it either.

I owe myself and any readers I have a good update. And I'll get there, but for now, I just need to acknowlege this time for what it is.